

So I have Luggage, laptop, and a plane ticket... all I need now is a visa, physical (complete with EKG, X-ray, and lab work), and international insurance... Not so bad;)

But the packing is getting a little crazy! While I was at college I left 3 bags of things with people who will be coming over this summer to teach at the workshop, then today I mailed 3 boxes full of things to other team members! Who knew I would have this much stuff!!! And no one had better say anything about my clothes collection! I have given away SO much already!!! ;) oh well if that's the only hardship I have to endure, I'll take it! ;)


It's here!

So many of my family and friends have been asking how they can keep up with me after I leave for China... well I have the answer... My blog! Now you can stay up-to-date on all of my amazing... and boring;) adventures!