
A real summer holiday…

So during the workshop, no one here really even has time to breathe! But now that it’s over… we are settling back into a regular life. It’s very peaceful… but a little boring;) Which I am NOT complaining about! I love the relaxed live I’ve had over the last week; it’s been great!

After the summer team left, Elizabeth, Ruthie, Carol, and I all stayed at Mr. and Mrs. Mills’ house. They are wonderful;) We cleaned Carol’s new apartment in the mornings and went shopping in the afternoons for Ruthie and me! I bought so many practical things. Then Mrs. Mills found new plates for her house while we were shopping so she gave me her old ones for free! Best price ever;) hahaha!

Hopefully I’ll start tutoring soon so I can earn a little extra money to help pay for all of our crazy shopping excursions! Hahaha;) I’m so excited to get all of my things set up in my new apartment. But for the time being I’m content to live in the Mills’ house. They live in Haikou city and I will live about 30 minutes outside of the city in the country. The college I’ll be teaching for is supplying my apartment fully furnished and gas stove to cook on, electricity, and internet paid for as part of my contract;) So for now I’m relaxing in Mr. and Mrs. Mill’s apartment until the end of the month… life is pretty good right now;)

I’m beginning to really miss being with my family and friends…. But I’m so thankful for my time that I’ve already spent in China. I believe that I’ve learned so many life lessons and that I will continue to grow as the year goes on.

(In the picture above, clockwise from the top: Me, Mrs. Mills, Elizabeth, Carol, and Ruthie)

This is a picture of one of my new plates;) Thanks Mrs. Mills!


After one month...

I can't believe that one month is already over!!! The team that came this summer was AMAZING!!! There was so much unity in all three of the individual groups. In July, the Mills host English workshops that different colleges host. Each of the people in this picture volunteered there month to come and teach English for free. The reward: it was in China!!! All of the Americans were great, and so willing to help in any way possible! There were three different workshops so the teachers were divided up and taught Phonics, discussion, reading, and vocabulary. In the afternoons we had culture classes and the evenings were filled with CRAZY activities! We had big ball volleyball, costume party, Skit night, China night, Christmas party, scavenger hunt... it was so much fun! The past two summer's that I've come I've been able to teach in the workshop, but this summer I did something else;) In the mornings I would help Mrs. Mills write a phonics workbook that she will be teaching from this year. After lunch I would help Carol prepare for the afternoon and of course I participated with great enthusiasm in the evening activities! I didn't learn as many names and faces as I would have if I taught the students, but I am not complaining! I met so many students and many of those will live at the campus where I will be teaching this semester! I'm so excited about having them over to my new apartment!

It was bitter-sweet when the Americans left... bitter because I will miss them! and sweet because the were going home;) Now the only Americans left are Mr. and Mrs. Mills, Carol, Elizabeth, Steve, and Ruthie and me who are both new to the team! So over the last week we have been working together to get Carol's new apartment clean and ready to move into... cause as soon as she's moved into her new place, she moves out of her old place, and I can move in! My apartment is very big and clean and very nice I like it a lot! It needs new curtains and possibly some paint if it's in my budget. I went shopping for all of the things that I will need for my new house and realized that married couples are so fortunate! They get all of there necessities given to them... I had to buy all of mine! Oh well I guess that's all part of growing up and moving out;) I loved picking it all out though! I bought house slippers for my many expected guests, towels for my bathroom, kitchen and cleaning, hangers, sheets, pillows, containers, spoons, knives, FORKS, and chopsticks, a wok to cook in, oh and a towel for my electric bike! Yes, and an electric bike! I love it! It's smaller than most, but that is what I decided I prefered cause I can control it and it's not so big that it controls me! It's really nice and fast, but don't worry I have promised several different parties that I would not ride recklessly and at dangerous speeds, and I intend to uphold those promises;)

I'm very excited about the next chapter in my life in China! I have no idea what it will hold, but I'm sure that it will be thrilling;) I will attempt to more faithfully blog my adventures!